Welcome to the Genetic and Genomic Care Coordinator Association of Malta (GGCAM). Our mission is to support and advance the professional goals of this new healthcare profession across Malta. Genetic and genomic care coordinators are trained in genetic counselling at a postgraduate level. Their role includes clinical tasks such as collection of medical family histories, assessing risks, and interpreting genetic information. They use a patient-centred approach to empower informed decision-making, ensuring individuals and families fully understand the medical, psychological, and familial aspects of a genetic diagnosis.
Our members are dedicated to providing empathetic support, respecting ethnic and cultural diversity, and addressing ethical considerations. They advocate for patients, guiding them to support services and relevant organisations where necessary. Moreover, they can act as a resource for healthcare professionals and the wider community, enhancing public understanding of genetics in health. At GGCAM, we are committed to fostering a community where genetic and genomic care coordinators can thrive professionally, while making a significant impact on the health and well-being of the Maltese population.
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